I’m Jean Martin, owner and CEO of Jean Martin Yoga – aka, You Gotta Have Yoga!

I grew up in Madison, New Jersey and now live in Jupiter, Florida. I am 2 blocks from the ocean and spend a lot of time walking the beach, practicing yoga on the beach and breathing to the rhythm of the ocean waves. 

I am a wife, a mom of a son and two daughters, a “Gigi” of four toddler grandchildren, a former teacher grades 1-12, a yoga teacher and Yoga Ed. Trainer and teacher and a lifelong learner about myself, others and this world. I am a closet comedienne who helps you laugh at the serious and embrace the ridiculous of the moment!

I love the mountains of North Carolina, meditative walking in nature, music and poetry that inspires me, my two little dachshunds and the depth and honesty of children.  My two daughters keep me grounded and lighthearted.  My husband lets me pursue my dreams and my son reminds me to “take it easy.”  And so my favorite times are with this family of mine that supports, loves and laughs!


  • Experienced teacher of yoga in various settings: yoga studios, my home studio, hospital rooms and therapy rooms, YMCA, community centers and schools.

  • E-RYT 500 Yoga teacher, with a specialty in helping women of all ages deal with physical limitations, back issues, arthritis, body image, self-image and emotional stability.

  • Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Provider (YACEP)

  • Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher/Yoga Ed. Trainer with over 18 years of experience working with children in schools, hospitals and foster homes.

  • Currently, a student of Yoga for Your Back.

  • Recently worked in a major city hospital in the Integrative Medicine Program, guiding patients in yoga and mindfulness.

  • Graduate of the College of St. Elizabeth, B.A. Education; University of South Florida, M.A., student of Karin Stephan, Lotus Pond Studio, Tampa. FL

  • Cheerleader and coach of all who inspire to be and feel their very best!

How did I get here? My personal story...

Exercise has always been an integral part of my well-being. In my twenties and thirties I enjoyed running and high impact aerobics. After running around after 3 kids, I slowed it down a bit to power walking, spin classes and step classes. And somewhere along the way I became almost incapacitated due to lower back trauma. Years of high impact on my discs from aerobics and lifting children in and out of car seats and the like contributed to degenerated discs in my lumbar spine. Not willing to take the pharmacological approach to release pain, I was introduced to yoga in my early forties, and I feel fortunate and grateful for that first encounter on the mat.

I have successfully reversed the process of osteopenia; my bones are like those of a 35-year-old and if I stay with the discipline of yoga, my back allows me to reach way past my toes, sweep my grandkids up in to my arms and to continue to reach for my star!

Not to imply that life has been a breeze; I’ve had my issues with anorexia/bulimia, body image is still a challenge and I suffer from arthritis, and yes, depression and anxiety. 

I stay aware and authentic to my limitations and also to my gifts of helping people of all ages and abilities to “try” yoga, to utilize the breath, postures and relaxation to heal the body and the mind. I am very adept at coaching people to feel better and practice what I preach: “You gotta have yoga!”
