School Programs:
Option 1 - Student Yoga Classes - taught by a Yoga Ed. Trainer
Each class meets National PE and Health Standards and is designed to improve students’ strength, focus, balance, awareness and ability to self-regulate. Each class consist of breathing exercises, yoga poses, and relaxation.
Option 2 - Staff Yoga Classes - taught by a Yoga Ed. Trainer
The classes are designed to introduce basic yoga tools so that teachers can embody them and integrate into their classrooms. Staff members receive the benefits of yoga to help take care of themselves as well as the needs of their students.
Option 3 - Community Yoga Classes
These classes happen outside of school hours and are open to students, parents, siblings, teachers and staff.
Option 4 - Professional Development Workshops
Yoga Ed. Tools for Teachers is designed for educators, health professionals, and parents. These workshops empower participants to utilize 5-15 minutes of classroom yoga sessions or “yoga breaks” to increase self-awareness and self-regulation.
Option 5 - Professional Institute I and II
A comprehensive training program for individuals wanting to integrate yoga for children and teens into academic environments. The programs are certified by Yoga alliance and afford participants the opportunity to become RCYT.
Contact me for pricing of an individualized training or program.